Lipton Mark Hack


  • MarkHack 1.0 is a hackathon targeted at the marketing and media industry with the goal of producing innovative marketing and media ideas, channels, platforms, and solutions that will further drive consumer engagement, consumer experience and audience recruitment.
  • Lipton keyed into the Mark Hack 1.0 conference which took place at D’Podium Ikeja on the 8th of April 2022


  • How do we ensure a multi-pronged approach to sampling the Lipton Extra Strong variant to consumers at the event.


Setup an engaging sampling experience at the holding area of the event while optimizing recipe creativity in the sampling mechanics for the brand


  • A banded Lipton bar with a backdrop was strategically positioned at the arrival area/photo area
  • 2 professional mixologist sampled hot and refreshing cups of Lipton extra strong in the morning as guests arrived while ice cold Lipton cocktails were sampled in the afternoon of the event .


Experientially sampled attendees